Aug 29, 2010

change ur boyfriend blueprint - smooooth sweet-talker

u've got gorgeous eyes,beautiful skin/hair/legs and he can tell u that u are a women with passionate and loyal.that's kind of gushy compliment a sweet-talker will give u within a secong meeting.he knows just the right thing to say to push all your lust and love buttons and when he says it he makes meaningful eye contact so tha u feel u're the only woman in the room,country,universe,galaxy.

why u want him
he is so full of praise for u-why wouldn't u want to go on listening to that for hours and hours?u know that he finds u attractive because he keeps telling u so and everytime he does u feel like
u're walking on air.this guys makes u feel sexy and ultrafeminine and special.

why he's bad for u :

most guys whoa are sweet-talkers are also fast movers.this means he is likely to come on strong and take over yaour life and then disappear just as fast.cut to the future and there's very real risk that after a few months with u he will start sweet-talking another woman.then with a thud u may suddenly start to come down from your love delirium and realise that when he said he'd never been attracted to any woman the way he is to u he meant this month,not his whole life.

change your blueprint

be on the lookout for a guy who is intelligent and a little laid-back.he may not gush all over u the second u meet,but take that as a good sign.have discussion with him about everything from climate change and movies to ur future goals and make sure that he has depth of character.look for a guy who gives genuine compliments- when he says something nice it wont come out sounding rehearsed or like he'd said it to a thousang gals before.this guy wont be any hurry but dont think that means he's not passionate.he will respect u enough to take time so that when u finally get physical u will know each otehr well and bith be invested in ur growing attachment.

Aug 22, 2010

rps hebat.haha

pencarian baju raya bermula..huhu..kali ni hang out dgn mmber2 RPS..seriously best,SERIOUSLY..haha..hingaq abeh..pas habis kelas jumaat tu,tros gerak g kl.smpai BJ pkul 3.30ptg.bayan amek pastu bwk g MSN.then die pegi game dgn hong kong,tggl akuu dgn sorang akk blik esoknye..seperti yg dijanjikan,syima,nurd,ejat dgn bf die..diorang lmbt sket sbb nurd tggu syima abes koko..biasala..budak part 1..hehe..budak uitm shah alam la katekannn..kan syima kan?kan?sume dah ade..kitorang naik train g masjid jamek..jln2 kt jln tar..walaupun letihh..kaki rasa nak tercabut..yet it was really worth it..dah lama taak hingaq2 camni..rindu sgt2..klau blh nak jumpe sume geng rps dlu..
btw,masa kt sogo blh pulak terserempak dgn mustika diana.dah besar dah die :) hehe
meet my frienziee..nurd,syima,bayan,me and ijat

lepas ni dtg melaka pulak tau kawan2!muahh..syg hangpe!

Aug 18, 2010

wawa,nah hamek nehh

** A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

** B) Tag 5 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.


1. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
find another one lahh

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
having a kindergarten/nursery someday :)

3.Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?
not really

4.Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
yeah,sometimes i do feel so

5.What's your ideal lover like?
funny,caring and smart :)

6.Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone

7. What is the one thing that pisses you off about the opposite sex?

8.How far will you go for the one you love the most?

9.Is there anything that makes you unhappy these days?
yeah.loads of quizzes and exams

10.What is your favorite fairytale of all time and why?
sorry i dont have any idea

people dat I wanna tag :
WUWU anak pokcik khamdan.sorang da la

Aug 14, 2010

from Terengganu with love :)

oleh kerana line broadband pada hari ini agak laju dari hari2 biasa(sbb rmai student blik kg kot),sy nak update blog ni manyak manyak manyak...hehe..da lama tak update blog ni kan?kan?kan?

alritee..kali ni nak cite pasal trip ke Terengganu last week.tiket pergi balik di'sponsor' oleh cik Fatini Kamaruddin.thank youuuu so muchiee darlingg...actually cik tini kite ni ajak teman die balik umah sbb mak die nak pegi mlm khamis tu gerak dari melaka sentral pkul 8 and sampai sana pkul 4.30 pagi.agak letih..lama kot.sakit2 badan sume.pkul 8 pagi tu pulak hanta mak die kt airport kuala terengganu..huhu..sedih pulak.rasa macam parents sendiri yg nak g umrah.amiiinnn

kt umah tini ade biri2 woo.hehe..teruja sket sbb susa nk jumpe biri2 kat malaysia ni kot.kot.haha..ptg tu kak ya bwk jalang2 kt pantai batu burok..rasa mcm nak maen layang2 tapi mcm kesuntukan masa..pastu gerak g lagun kot,kot..sbb tempat tu mcm kolam,masa air surut..tak pasti kalau nak pegi,tempat tu kt belakang masjid terapung..cantik..rasa mcm nk terjun je.da lama tak mandi laut..huhu

balik tu 10 jam kot duk dlm bas.lagi rasa mcm nk pth pinggang.huhu

maceh byk2 kat family tini..kak ya,kak jah,pokcik,tok,ada...nnti blh dtg terengganu lg.hehe

UTeM 2010

sejak masuk blaja ni tak sempat update psl UTeM tercinta ats sbb2 yg tak dpt dielakkan.jadi kesimpulannya dah nk dekat 2 bulan saya kat Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah ni tapi tak sempat nak explore semua lg.pelan2..4tahun kot kat sni..hajat nak maen layang2 kt pantai ape tah namanya masih lagi tak ada gmba sket sekitar Minggu Haluan Siswa 2010 (MHS) hari tu.cekidout~
MHS..penat tggu seharian kt kampus induk..agak penat jgk la..tapi tggu bas lagi penatt..huhu..walaupun jumlah bas UTeM yg setahu saya agak banyak tak mampu menampung jumlah pelajar lebih daripd 2000 org pada masa yg sama dan sistem fasilitator yg lepaskan kitorang ikut line by line namapknya kurang efisien.dlm dewan dah elok beratur tapi bile sampai kt luar tggu bas semua jadi huru-hara.harap2 tahun depan benda mcm ni tak berulang lagi..apa2 pon,thanks buat semua fasilitator yg byk bersabar dgn karenah kitorang especially fasi kumpulan 15(15 ke?)hehe..tak igt..abg acap,mmg sempoi..

bila dah byk sgt ceramah plus keletihan yg melampau maka incident mcm ni mmg tak dapat dielakkan..paling klaka bile slide show student kantoi tido wktu MHS .. :)

lagu UTeM ni la kitorang dok nyanyi tiap2 hari sepanjang MHS kali ni.nasib baek syok part yg sy nak bangga sket sbb lagu ni M.Nasir yg gubah..syahdu je.hehe.ade elemen2 kebudayaan Melaka dlm lagu ni.intro mcm rentak bunyi jam kat kampus bandar tu..jum2 kite dengar sama2


Di Sini Segala Bermula
Cemerlang Mencipta Gemilang
Bertuah Bumiku Menyaksi
Bersama Kita Berjuang

Tersohor Persada Dunia
Senada Wawasan Negara
Melahir Insan Luhur Jiwa
Mampan Menambat Dunia


Perkongsian Pintar
Universiti Dan Industri
Kreatif Inovatif

Pembelajaran Teras
Aplikasi Dan Kompetensi
Tekad Mencapai Visi

Demi Semangat Negara
Kami Mencurah Bakti
Nasib Pertiwi Terus Dibela
Kepada Ibunda Kami Berjanji

Utem Ku Cemerlang
Utem Ku Gemilang
Utem Ku Terbilang
Utem Terus Berjuang

Utem Ku Cemerlang
Utem Ku Gemilang
Utem Ku Terbilang
Utem Terus Berjuang

oh,lupa pulak.sya dari fakulti pengurusan teknologi dan teknousahawan(FPTT) jurusan pemasaran teknologi tinggi(BTMM) kampus bandar.FPTT mmg agak terasing dari kampus induk dan hostel pon terasing dari fakulti2 lain..kesian kt kami..Dekan HEPA,boleh tak sem depan kami nk duk bunga raya balik?rasa mcm jauh sgt je nak pegi induk.huhu

officially saya dah jadi pelajar UTeM.doakan sy belajar rjin2 dan graduate dgn jayanya.sekian,terima kasih :)